
The latest news on LogicSMP.

# Team Formation and Interest Form Updates

Announced at: 1/4/2025 @ 1:08 PM EST

Hello! The form was officially closed yesterday, but will remain open today (or will close <t:1736053140:R>) for teammates that have been entered onto the form, and have not filled it out themselves yet, or for people that have yet to recieve an invite from me for their pending teammates.

Furthermore, if you have interest to play in the SMP but have not filled it out, you have until this time to fill the form. After the form is closed, all current participants that fail to respond will be removed from this server. (unless you are a LogicSMP Production Team Member)

If your team has less than 4 people registered, team invitations are also open now! You may request an invite from any @🛠️ // Administrator or @👑 // Project Lead for any teammates to fill in your team. Keep in mind your new members still need to fill out the [form](

See you soon in LogicSMP Season 5!
\- Logical
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